Hello everyone!
As you all know I often upload videos and posts to my Instagram page and Facebook page. After speaking to a friend over the weekend, I learnt that I probably need to start sharing a little more content on my blog. As promised, for those interested in reading the article shared earlier on my social media platforms here is the excerpt.
Being a female Chiropractor at times can bring a whole range of ups and downs. I have this amazing privilege with my job to have great rapport and connection with my patients and it is what makes my job highly enjoyable. I could feel a shift once I fell pregnant with my daughter Charlie and when I returned back to work shortly after I realised that I had changed. My priorities had changed, my clinical interests in pregnancy and paediatric care sky rocketed and I was really eager to share all the little bits of information I would discover along my way. I also found professionally having a child can really impact a new office environment and at times it can be quite isolating for returning practitioners at their workplace. I could see that this was not only happening to myself, but many other female chiropractors that I had spoken to had also experienced a lack of support. This became one of the driving forces for me to join the Women in Chiropractic Committee and become the NSW representative. I love supporting women in my treatment room, in my personal life and now I would love to extend that support to the greater chiropractic community.
Here is there article:
