Over the years as a Paediatric Chiropractor, there's a topic that most of my clients ask about that's incredibly important for your little one's development but often surrounded by myths and misconceptions—tummy time. From the perspective of Paediatric chiropractor, I can't stress enough how vital it is for your baby's growth, and I want to clear up some common misunderstandings about it.
The Myth: Tummy Time Is Just Placing Your Baby on Your Chest
One of the most widespread myths I encounter is the idea that time on their tummy simply means placing your baby on your chest while you're lying down. While this position can be a wonderful bonding experience and a gentle introduction to tummy time for newborns, it’s not the full picture.
The Reality: Unrestricted Floor Time Is Essential
Tummy time is about much more than just lying on the chest. It's about giving your baby the opportunity to explore and develop their muscles on a firm, flat surface where they have the freedom to move. Unrestricted floor time allows your baby to strengthen the muscles in their neck, shoulders, arms, and back, which are all critical for achieving milestones like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and eventually walking.
When your baby is on a firm surface, they have to work a bit harder to lift their head, push up on their arms, and shift their body weight. This kind of movement is what really helps build the strength and coordination they'll need as they grow. Placing your baby on your chest is a great start, but transitioning to floor time as they grow is key to helping them develop these crucial motor skills.
The Myth: It Is Just for Avoiding Flat Spots
Another common misconception is that this activity is only important to prevent "flat head syndrome" or plagiocephaly. While it's true that tummy time can help prevent flat spots on your baby's head, it’s just one of the many benefits.
The Reality: Tummy Time Fuels Overall Development
Tummy time is a foundation for your baby’s overall development. By spending time on their tummy, babies learn to coordinate their movements, develop spatial awareness, and gain strength in their upper bodies. These are the building blocks for all sorts of physical activities that come later, from reaching and grasping to sitting and crawling. It also supports sensory development, as babies experience different textures, sights, and sounds from a new perspective on the floor.
The Myth: My Baby hates doing it- we should stop
Many parents worry that if their baby is uncomfortable or even distresses when on their belly, especially if their little one fusses during these sessions- that they should stop.
The Reality: It's All About Gradual Progress
It’s perfectly normal for babies to find tummy time challenging at first. After all, they’re building new muscles and learning new skills! The key is to start slowly and gradually increase the time they spend on their tummy. You can begin with just a few minutes at a time, several times a day, and build up from there. Engaging with your baby during tummy time—singing, playing with toys, or even getting down on the floor with them—can make it a fun and interactive experience rather than something to be dreaded.
Why Unrestricted Floor Time Matters
As your baby grows, unrestricted floor time becomes even more important. When babies have the freedom to move on their own, they start to explore their environment in new ways. They learn to push up, roll over, and eventually crawl. These activities are not just about getting from one place to another—they’re about developing balance, coordination, and strength.
Restricting your baby’s movement, whether by having less time on their stomach or keeping them in seats or swings for extended periods, can slow down this crucial development. That’s why I always encourage parents to give their babies plenty of time on a safe, firm surface where they can move freely and explore.
How I Can Help
If you’re struggling with getting your child on their belly or have concerns about your baby’s development, I’m here to help. As a paediatric chiropractor, I can provide guidance on how to make tummy time more enjoyable and effective for your baby. I can also assess your baby’s movement patterns and offer tailored advice to support their growth.
I’m also excited to share that I have launched my Tummy Time course! This course is designed to give you all the tools and knowledge you need to make this time a positive and beneficial experience for your little one. If you're interested in learning more and want to be the first to know when the course is available, click the button below to join the waitlist.
Let’s make this a wonderful part of your baby’s development journey!